Someone who has faced the challenges of an injury/condition and has
overcome life's obstacles to live a self-fulfilling life.
Someone with a new/existing injury/condition who has not been given the
opportunity to accept or learn from their injury/condition
A friendly face and an open ear is sometimes all it takes to bring
acceptance and understanding to any situation.
According to Board Member A-Jay Nagle
I think it's very important to share real life experiences.
As the saying goes, "straight from the horses mouth“
is as real as you're going to get.
It allows me to share my personal experiences and knowledge
to hopefully make life a little easier for them in the future.
Recovering from a SCI injury is like putting together a puzzle,
some pieces (big or small) that you receive may fit in your picture
and some may not.
I feel like the more pieces I can dish out to a newly injured individual,
and along with the other pieces they receive from other peer mentors,
the easier and quicker they can put them together and live a more fulfilling life.
The main reason I volunteer is to reinforce/motivate those individuals with a
SCI and to put a smile on their face.
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
- Mother Teresa (1910-1997)